We’re proud to offer a wide range of high-quality products built to meet your needs.
Ramsey Proline Products for personnel safety, conveyor protection, and motion sensing are an industry standard. (Tilt Switches, Safety Pull Switches, Run-off Switches, Motion Sensing).
Ramsey belt scales have been the industry standard for reliability and accuracy for decades. MASS Technologies services about 600 belt scales per year (all brands) so we fully appreciate the higher quality offered by Ramsey.
Ramsey Oretronic IV is the latest and most advanced system on the market for tramp metal detection on conveyors in mining and coal fired utilities. Protect your crushers and other expensive assets from damage from fugitive metal parts like dozer/wheel loader teeth. This is a small investment to prevent costly repairs and even more expensive down-time.
Flow meters give valuable process information and offer advanced warning of plugged pipes and lines. Coupled with our density meters (non-nuclear) they provide net dry weight of solids being conveyed. We offer several reliable flowmeter technologies from various manufacturers depending on the application and your needs.
Never compromise personnel and equipment safety! We offer advanced 360 degree camera systems for most mobile equipment applications. From basic Backup to 360 degree cameras with radar warning, we cover it all
It is not real if you can’t measure and quantify it! We offer the new CNCR noncontact 80 GHz radar silo and tank level measurement. These systems function perfectly on a wide variety of liquid and solids applications. They are impervious to falling material, fog, rain, condensation and contamination that doom other technologies. Setup and calibration is done via a a phone App (iPhone or Android) over Bluetooth.
Point level detection offers simple, cost-effective protection and safety to prevent tank, bin and silo overflows that could endanger personnel and equipment. We offer most technologies tailored to your application.
Put your belt scales in the palm of your hand! Managers industry wide are starved for current information on the performance of their belt scales and other plant assets. We developed our cloud system to give near-real-time information from these assets. TPH, Tons produced, flow rates, current equipment status, reports, text and email alarms are all available from our system. No worries if your equipment is divorced from the internet, we offer cellular connectivity to the cloud. You can monitor activity from anywhere you can connect to the internet using your phone, tablet, or PC.